
Be of GREAT HEART our dear friends.




For it is written in the stars.

Are you not ALL ‘Children of the stars’? Did you not KNOW what you had decided and then came to Earth to put it into place?

The Federation o Light -- 16th August, 2014

to gain space


Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Antes de morir, científico hace increíble confesión sobre aliens - video in English

Antes de morir, científico hace increíble confesión sobre aliens

Desde su lecho de muerte, el científico Boyd Bushman manifestó en un video que trabajó en la base ultrasecreta llamada Área 51, en Nevada, Estados Unidos, donde supuestamente se estudiarían naves y cuerpos de alienígenas capturados.

En la extensa grabación poco antes de morir en agosto, el hombre cuenta cómo fue su experiencia allí y muestra unmaterial fotográfico de aliens, que afirma que fueron tomadas con cámaras desechables en instalaciones militares.

Si bien esto suena bastante a ciencia ficción, no son pocos los que creen que el mencionado sitio de verdad existe. Al menos así lo creía Bushman, el cual aseguraba haber visitado esa misteriosa zona.

De acuerdo con el tabloide británico MetroBoyd Bushman fue un importante científico retirado de Lockheed Martin. Su carrera abarca más de cuarenta años, ha desarrollado numerosas patentes y ha trabajado con contratistas de Defensa, como Hughes Aircraft, General Dynamics, Lockheed Martin y Texas Instruments.

En el video, grabado el 7 de agosto de este año, asegura que en Área 51 existe una nave extraterrestre y que está siendo analizada por los expertos que trabajan allí de forma secreta.

La confesión está salpicada con supuestas imágenes de cuerpos de extraterrestres.

Afirma que hay dos grupos de aliens capturados. Una especie, asegura en la grabación, tiene dedos largos, los pies palmeados, y provienen, dice, de un planeta conocido como Quintumnia.

El video, en inglés, a continuación:


Wednesday, October 22, 2014

AG --PROPHECIES OF BILLY MEIER Proof Beyond Reasonable Doubt

Feacturing Aileen Garoutte

This blog (UFOexperiences) has been created to inform the public about the UFO subject. It also contains peripheral phenomena. Created by Aileen Garoutte, previously Director of The UFO Contact Center International.



The Henoch Prophecies

By Michael Horn

Proof Beyond Reasonable Doubt

Many people are still unaware of the amazing story of "Billy" Eduard Albert Meier, the now 67-year-old Swiss man whose voluntary, face-to-face contacts with extraterrestrial humans have been going on for the past 62 years. For many years, Meier was dismissed by sceptics as a fraud and hoaxer. But the recent failure of the top professional sceptics' organisation CFI-West, in Los Angeles, to duplicate even one of his "easily duplicated" UFO photos or film segments, followed by the sudden retraction by magician/debunker James Randi that the case is a hoax, has resulted in much deserved, renewed interest in the case.

In addition to producing the clearest photos, films and video of UFOs ever taken, as well as other physical evidence, for the past 48 years Meier has published the most specific, prophetically accurate, scientific and world-event- related information of any known source. Before you consider the prophetic information below, please note that from his 251st Contact on February 3, 1995, Meier published advance warning of the US attack on Iraq, the increase in Islamic terrorism to follow, the appearance of SARS, the spread of "mad cow disease", the renewed public concern over chemical warfare, and the near accident at the nuclear power plant near Lyon, France (which occurred in August 2003). All of this information and more from the 251st Contact was also published in Guido Moosbrugger' s book, 'And Yet They Fly'!, in September 2001 - well before any of the foretold events occurred. Combine this unprecedented evidence and all of the following with the still irreproducible, scientifically authenticated physical evidence, and you may understand why this remarkable one-armed man, who has been the target of 19 documented assassination attempts, stands at the centre of the most important story in all of human history.

In the following article I give the numbers and dates of specific contacts between Billy Meier and the Plejaren, and then an overview of the information contained in each contact. The items titled "Corroborated" show the dates and sources of the earliest corroboration of Meier's information found by the researchers. It should be noted that Genesis III published much of the material in volumes 1-4 of Message from the Pleiades, with the earliest copyright being 1979-the date by which almost all of the information was in the possession of the investigative team. While I present only a brief overview of the information in the specific contacts, I hope that each contact will be published in its entirety in the near future. Except where attributed to Meier, the Plejaren are the source of the information.

Absence of Erroneous Prophetic Information

If, as some people might think, Meier somehow guessed or fabricated all of this specific, prophetically accurate information, it would be logical to assume that there would have to be an even more enormous body of randomly generated erroneous information. Unfortunately for the sceptics, there simply is no such voluminous body of inaccurate work. And it's easy to prove this, since most of the information validated so far has been culled from a couple of thousand pages of the earliest English translations of the Contact Reports, published by Meier primarily between 1975 and 1979, with additional information excerpted from contacts in the 1980s and 1990s. Let me also add that there are still thousands of pages of untranslated German texts and some unofficial English translations that contain additional, already published, prophetic information awaiting scrutiny.

What Does It Mean to Us?

Meier and his extraterrestrial friends seem to be able to predict, i.e., accurately calculate, the results of causal actions known to them, originating from humanity and/or nature and the cosmos. And they have made it clear that certain prophesied (undesired) events can still be changed for the better-if humanity recognises its errors and makes sufficient effort in the correct, positive direction to alter those outcomes that can still be changed. In the 215th Contact, known as the Henoch Prophecies, special emphasis was placed on America and the very times we are in. (These prophecies are contained in the 2004 book, And Still They Fly!) More recent comments by Meier have also carried harsh and heavy warnings about the current American administration and leadership and the danger of its leading the world into a cataclysmic Third World War. Considering the credibility the Plejaren have established with their track record of accuracy since at least 1975, it would be wise for us to give serious consideration to their warnings about the future. Of course, it is up to each interested person to do the research necessary to determine the accuracy and authenticity of the Meier Contacts for themselves. Should the most important event in human history-contact between an Earth human and extraterrestrial humans-actually have occurred, then we might realise that this is less about UFOs and extraterrestrials than it is about us-and our future survival.


As you read (and research) the following, please consider the possibility that the extraterrestrials and Meier are attempting to offer us assistance in solving the very serious problems we face.

o 7th Contact, February 25, 1975, and 35th Contact, September 16, 1975: Connection of A-bomb testing, explosions to ozone damage; high-frequency "elementary radiations" unknown to terrestrial scientists; damage to Earth's rotation, magnetic disturbances, polar displacement; contribution of bromine gases to ozone damage; penetration of UV through holes, killing micro-organisms and leading to disruptions in food chain, genetic mutations and other long-term negative effects for humans and the planet.

Monday, October 13, 2014



To the President of the Republic of Bulgaria

To the Prime Minister of the Republic of Bulgaria

To all responsible and conscientious individuals directly or indirectly involved in the management of the Republic of Bulgaria

Ladies and gentlemen,
brothers and sisters, and all sane and sober ratiocinal conscious beings.

Ladies and gentlemen, brothers and sisters, and all sane and sober rational conscious beings:

I, Svetlana Vasileva Georgieva, hereby officially declare my personal and absolute insolvency in what concerns my financial and economical positions.

I openly declare that I am not able to cover my personal expenses imposed upon me by default, to live a normal life as a human being within the so-called “Open Economic System”, imposed on me without my consent and obliging me as a tax payer without being ensured basic human rights. Namely, the right to live and to develop myself intellectually and spiritually in a way that is compatible with the Laws of Nature and complementary to my personal needs.

Friday, October 10, 2014


Feacturing Aileen Garoutte

This blog (UFOexperiences) has been created to inform the public about the UFO subject. It also contains peripheral phenomena. Created by Aileen Garoutte, previously Director of The UFO Contact Center International.



It is very rare for a contact or a UFO sighting to come out of Iran. Years ago we had a contact there that wrote articles for my magazine, The Missing Link. Naturally we would send him a copy of the magazine. Well someone over there got hold of it and turned him in for writing about UFOs in the Quran. He was followed and finally caught up with in Turkey. They took him back to Iran and put him in prison for 5 years. His father died over the disgrace to his family. At this time I do not know what has happened to him. I do not want to give his name because it could cause more problems for him. Likewise this young girl. She found a way to tell her story on the internet, otherwise she would have no one to tell. I am leaving the vernacular the way she speaks.

Maybe my story can help others to see their point of standing. I will glad to have your stories too for understanding my questions.

After I have seen huge light in my room while I was sleeping and caused me to wake up. I tried several times to open my eyes but the light was huge and disturbing my sights. Then I noticed I couldn't move at all and I felt all my body, all molecules and atoms are getting separated and rejoined again, but under me was no more mattress or blanket or pillow. Under me was only a metal hard bed.


Feacturing Aileen Garoutte

This blog (UFOexperiences) has been created to inform the public about the UFO subject. It also contains peripheral phenomena. Created by Aileen Garoutte, previously Director of The UFO Contact Center International.



Close Encounters Of The Third Kind

At Longleat, Wiltshire in January 1968, BS and SC. 

BS on the eighteenth had been struck by a bright light as an object flashed past his car, which stalled. Later he received a phone call telling him to be at a spot called Heaven's Gate on the Longleat estate of Lord Bath, at 2100 hours on 21 January. There the two saw a tiny object the size of a soup-plate from which emerged a gossamer-like ladder down which tripped more than twenty-five beings no more than 4 inches tall. They 'blinked out,' then reappeared at human size. They talked with the couple for a while then invited BS on board. He was SHRUNK along with them, taking off in the tiny craft which ascended with a whistling noise. They did not reappear until 0500 hours the next day, when he was returned to normal size. He refused to divulge anything about his journey, except to hint something about the Earth's core, and visits to underwater cities and communities. It was said, as it is about all taken by 'them,' that he "was never the same man again."


Feacturing Aileen Garoutte

This blog (UFOexperiences) has been created to inform the public about the UFO subject. It also contains peripheral phenomena. Created by Aileen Garoutte, previously Director of The UFO Contact Center International.



I told you I would put on another letter from the alien "Tro". The last one was on May 2005. This is a follow up letter to it. The date is 9-20-91 "Over Russia". The vernacular is so unusual that anyone trying to speak like this would not be able to. This is how I would know if it was authentic or not. Enjoy.

Dear Aileen:

I will in this letter explain many things of importance. But first I must excusify the issue re sightings activity -- that which I promised. Altho (depending on the number of reportbacks which you receive) the 3 days listed may qualify as having increased sightings, what transcurred was not what I had originally scheduled -- groups of vehicles, including mammoships, near populated areas, during the dawn, day, and dusk periods. Even allowing for the few dramatic episodes which were achieved, it still ranks in meagerparison to what I had imvisioned. Owing however to emergency circumditions (primarily the Soviet situation) and the hesitancy of my superiors to do anything boldistic, this scenario has been postponed until furthnotice. We are even now unable, if the go sign were given, to do what I referred to, as most of our free-moving ships are still surveilling in the Soviet zone, keep-watching the transferral of nuclear wapons back to the Russian Republic. And several the others are fullgaged with pesky faultline re-patch. This constantation is, as well, the reason for the delay in my lettering to you.


Feacturing Aileen Garoutte

This blog (UFOexperiences) has been created to inform the public about the UFO subject. It also contains peripheral phenomena. Created by Aileen Garoutte, previously Director of The UFO Contact Center International.



A new study suggests close encounters with UFOs and extraterrestrials are a product of the human mind.
By Brent Raynes

To his friends he is simply Al, and since he does not wish for me to reveal his full identity in print we shall cut through the formal introductions and go straight into the story.

I was introduced to Al at the home of UFO contactee/researcher, Mrs. Madeline Teagle of Cuyahoga Falls, Ohio. This was during a UFO skywatch in which Al was attempting to telepathically communicate with, and thus call down, the pilots of UFOs, with whom he was allegedly familiar on a first name basis as well. Nothing extraordinary (at least to my knowledge) occurred that night, but I did manage to tape an interview with Al, which I had been desperately wanting to do since the previous month when Madeline had described to me a number of remarkable firsthand experiences she had had with Al, whom she had known since the late 1950s. 

In one episode, Madeline recalled seeing a small ball of silvery white light seemingly rolling across the lawn of her home, between herself and another woman. In an even more remarkable episode, she encountered a strange "patch of fog." "Tentacles or something whipped out of that thing and wrapped right around me," she recalled. 

She was naturally frightened, but relieved to hear a pleasant sounding voice exclaim that since she was scared the contact would be terminated, at which point she was released and the apparition vanished.

The Golden Being

Feacturing Aileen Garoutte

This blog (UFOexperiences) has been created to inform the public about the UFO subject. It also contains peripheral phenomena. Created by Aileen Garoutte, previously Director of The UFO Contact Center International.



From HBCCUFO and Brian Vike:

I was a regular 17 year old and it was a late winter morning in 1993. I woke up feeling very good and happy. At first everything seemed a little foggy as if I was sleeping very deeply and was not yet fully awake. But it was a comfy happy groggy feeling. As I lay in bed coming to full consciousness I remembered what I thought at first was a dream, only it was unlike anything I had ever dreamt as the memory was so real. I remember a golden being standing to my left, hairless like the Hollywood aliens on TV, but taller with very beautiful large brown eyes and golden glowing skin. I was lying naked (I do sleep this way) on a silver table in a room such as I have never seen before or again.

I'm not sure if the floor was the same as the walls as I could not see the floor from where I was laying. The walls were a deep shade of pink mixed with peach. The only thing I can relate the material to is some sort of flexible membranous tissue. There was slight movement from the walls as I watched how they seemed to bend and flex gently much like the rhythm of breath. The walls were very relaxing, to watch and were glowing as if completely alive or part of some larger structure. There was a little spot to the left but almost directly in front of me where the wall went over leaving a doorway into this strange room. I could see more of these same walls through the doorway that I would estimate to be at least five feet tall probably six. However well I can guestimate to this day I am not a scientist so I cannot be entirely sure. I know that I am 5'9 and this being appeared to be within a few inches either way of my own height.


Feacturing Aileen Garoutte

This blog (UFOexperiences) has been created to inform the public about the UFO subject. It also contains peripheral phenomena. Created by Aileen Garoutte, previously Director of The UFO Contact Center International.



Sent in by Nick via Karin Stenius

By Linda Moulton Howe

Jim Sparks describes his life-changing encounter with reptoid aliens, whose message for saving planet Earth may veil their true intentions.

Higher intelligence takes advantage of, and uses, lower intelligence sort of the way we humans use cattle. And with the privilege of use, comes the responsibility of caring. A farmer tends to his animals by feeding them and taking care of their medical needs. If the pasture became contaminated, the farmer would be the first to protect his investments.

Jim Sparks, Abductee, 1996 Fort Myers Beach, Florida, USA

In 1995, I met a man named Jim Sparks who says he has had completely conscious encounters with "small, grey, drone worker types; taller true aliens, or supervisors; and tall reptoids with big, human-shaped bodies covered with scaly, reptile skin. Sparks sees himself as an interpreter or translator -- or at least an elementary grade student in an alien "school." He says he has been forced to learn English letter and number equivalents to alien symbols.

Jim Sparks permitted me to tape record hours of our discussions about his experiences. This chapter emerged from those conversations and his efforts to visualize and write down what has happened for his own book manuscript.

After eight years "of being close enough to breath their rotten-egg-smelling skin," Sparks thinks he has some insights into the alien agenda, but admits he has "a thousand more questions than answers." He is frustrated that he cannot prove his contacts with alien beings.

Sparks was born to Italian parents on November 15, 1954. The formal name on his birth certificate is Vincent Sparacino. He grew up in southern Florida, graduated from high school and spent a couple of years in a local college studying real estate. He moved on to Houston, Texas, in 1979, and then to North Carolina where he purchased raw land and divided lots for housing construction -- but always felt a strong need to preserve the trees at his developments. Happy, married and thriving, by 1988 at age thirty-four, Sparks suddenly came fact to face with other beings from other worlds.

Sparks at first thought he had lost his mind. He says he was kept totally conscious through most of the interactions, including the agony of being "pulled" from his bed at night to a craft.

"I'm usually pulled the same way, which I call the 'hard way', and it's completely physical. My whole body is taken. The first thing I hear is a low-pitched, whirling sound in my head, like a whip going around in the air. This is usually after I go to bed and am asleep. Normally for me, it's 3:30 am in the early morning. I don't know why. I wake up from my natural sleep, and then there's the whirling sensation in the pit of my stomach and it feels like its' coming up into my chest. when it gets up to my heart area, my heart starts beating fast, just racing in my head, and the whirling sound starts picking up rpm and is tremendously loud. It starts low and rises in pitch and screams in your head. The fear is like you're going to die. Your heart is racing a million miles an hour and then you get this acceleration feeling, but I always feel like I'm being pulled down; I never feel like I'm being pulled up. It's like I go down a rollercoaster, only a hundred times faster, and whoom-you black out and you're there, where it is you're going to be, usually on board a craft."

Sparks told me why he thinks that most of the time he is actually "pulled" physically from bed and literally moved through the walls or ceiling as other abductees have also described.

"It's their technology. I know the aliens rely heavily on a created field. This field produces several things: the ability to be invisible, the ability to work in one dimension and be partially in another, and the ability to move us poor humans through solid matter.

"How exactly it works, I don't know. But I know it's a field. When the field is in action, you can feel it, you can sense it; you almost feel like you are a magnet or static electricity. It takes a wall as you would normally see it and makes it transparent. You walk right through it. So, it's a field that somehow separates molecules, changes your physiology when you're in it."

I asked Sparks if he has been awake and conscious while actually seeing doors and walls become transparent.

"Only rarely. And it freaked me out. Most of the time I black out before that moment and then I'm on board the craft. I know this all sounds weird as hell, but I'm doing the best I can under very bizarre circumstances not to be scared to death, not to be intimidated, and to figure out what these bastards are up to. And I know that their technology renders different ways of transport, and one is the 'hard way' and I'm there in the flesh, not out of body!"

In early 1995, Jim Sparks had an abduction experience that changed him forever, he says, and left him obsessed with saving the rainforests and stopping the human slashing and burning-by-fire that is destroying them. This experience, excerpted here with Jim's permission, is puzzling because yet another alien type is introduced. These reptilian entities also provoke questions about a possible connection to viper references in Enoch of the Dead Sea Scrolls and the Book of Genesis in the Bible.

Jim Sparks encounter with reptilian humanoids, their warning and possible agenda, follows:

"The pulling started the usual way with a low-pitched, whirling sound -- only this time, it didn't speed up as fast or get as loud and it was more gentle. I was paralyzed again, but I momentarily regained consciousness before the final transport sequence was complete and I could see where I was going. That was a first!

"As my eyes opened, I saw that I was at least a thousand feet above the ground and slowly descending. Below me was an abandoned carnival park. I was floating over a large, old-fashioned wooden rollercoaster and I wasn't scared! I was calm and relaxed, and the ride was so gentle I was actually enjoying it.

"When I was twenty or thirty feet from the ground, I started to slowly rock back and forth several times like a pendulum-almost like I was being guided to a target and this was the final adjustment. Then I saw the profiles of about a dozen large creatures standing in a semicircle. Although it was night, I could make out the shapes of their body size -- and they were large, even by human standards. A few inches from the ground, I blacked out.

"As I began to regain consciousness, I was standing and heard telepathically, loud and clear:

'We would have given it to you, but we knew it wouldn't have meant anything unless you earned it. It was the only way you could possible understand what you have been a part of and what you have to do.'

"I now know the 'it' was knowledge. I was clear-headed and wide-awake conscious. There were twelve large, humanoid creatures standing in almost a complete circle in which I was a part. The creatures appeared to be at least six feet tall. All of them had their heads turned towards the alien who was standing to my immediate left.

"The only apparent light source was on the face of this creature, like a hologram of a human face superimposed and glowing over the alien's face. It was radiating light, and this was done to disguise his true appearance. He had done this to make me feel less apprehensive. The creatures didn't take into consideration that as this holographic face spoke and moved its lips, there was no audible sound.

"The voice being communicated telepathically was out of sync with the lips! Plus, the face was obviously a hologram because it was slightly off center from the body. But it worked, nonetheless, because I wasn't scared.

"As the reptoids transmitted telepathically, I noticed that each alien seemed to be concentrating its thoughts to the creature on my left. One thing for sure; they were of one mind, and it said:

'There are some things you need to understand. Yes, it's true that we have been in contact with your government leaders and heads of power. It is also true that agreements have been made and kept secret from your people. It is also true that, in the past, some of your people have lost their lives or have been badly hurt to protect this secret. Our hands had no part in this.

'We contacted your leaders because your planet is in grave trouble. Your leaders said the vast majority of your population wasn't ready for anything like us yet, so we made time agreements with your leaders as to when your people would be made aware of our presence. This part of the agreement has not at all been kept.

'It was also agreed that, in the meantime, steps would be taken to correct the environmental condition of your planet with our advice and technology. We say advice, because we respect the fact that this is your planet, not ours. Your government also broke this agreement.'

"I felt an awful emotion of abandonment from these aliens. They are different. I never sensed true emotion from the other aliens before. But the feeling wasn't at all good. It felt like great loss. I couldn't help asking, 'You aren't giving up on us, are you?'

"There was a long pause of silence and I had a strong feeling of tremendous loss. So I asked again, 'Well, are you?' There was another long pause.

"Then finally:

'No. We are now concentrating our energy on the average person. Your air and your water are contaminated. Your forests, jungles, trees and plant life are dying. There are several breaks in your food chain. You have an amount of nuclear and biological weapons which include nuclear and biological contamination. Your planet is overpopulated. Warning: It is almost to the point of being too late unless your people act now. There are better ways of deriving your energy and food needs without causing your planet any damage. Those in power are aware of this and have the capability to put these methods into worldwide use.'

I asked, 'Why aren't we doing it now?' There was silence, and the whole thing was so strange because I could see that the whole group was thinking and speaking its mind at one time. It felt good because I was a participant in an honest-to-goodness meeting! The best part was that for the first time I was getting direct answers to my questions. 'Why aren't we putting these new methods into use now?'

'Those in power view it (technology for clean energy and abundant food) as a military and security threat.'

"Then I got angry as hell and said, 'You mean to tell me our people in power have the ability to save and better this planet and they aren't doing it?!' The thought that technology was being held back from the public because of paranoia and greed outraged me, and the aliens saw my anger. But was it true?


"What do you mean"

'Complete amnesty. To those in power, the governments and the leaders who have been suppressing the truth. They can't be held liable for any past wrong deeds. It is the only way these leaders can come forward with the truth. It is necessary that you do this in order to work together and survive.'

"There was silence for a while, as it they wanted me to think about what was just said. This was a hard truth to swallow. If anybody had a good reason to hate their government for covering up this information, it was me and others like me. Most abductees still consider themselves victims who constantly suffer ridicule. When your own government's policy is to say 'You're just plain crazy,' it only deepens the pain.

"But this is a time when intelligence should rule over emotions. So I asked, 'How do I fit in all this? What can I possibly do?'

'What you are doing already. We will share much more knowledge with you in the future. Although you understand a lot, we will show you much more. Continue to work with people that come to you. We are aware of the small groups that are forming around the world. These are people who are prepared to learn and we consider them the core. Most important is the condition of your planet. The first step in solving this serious problem is amnesty. We have advice. You will receive more knowledge in the near future.'

"As this was going on, it started to rain. I mean, it was pouring! The creatures didn't even budge or try to get out from under it. They didn't have to: we weren't getting wet. Although we were standing completely outdoors with no roof, not one drop of rain touched us. I guess we were being protected by some sort of electric field. I could hear drops as they fell, but there was a clear detectable line (around us) between rainfall and no rainfall. Then they said:

'It's time to go.'

"A thought flashed into my mind. 'Wait, please! I have a request. I want to see what you look like.' I'll never forget their response as long as I live:

'It will strike fear in your heart.'

"I answered, 'It won't scare me so much if you don't stand there and stare at me. It would help if you would just wave at me. Just don't stare. Promise me you'll wave.'

"Now I can't believe how stupid that request was. I had, in the flesh, face to face, probably some of the most intelligent creatures from the far reaches of the galaxy, with answers that have been plaguing mankind since the dawn of time. And what did I say? 'Could you wave at me?'

"The strangest thing started to take place. A spinning white light with a hint of green began to radiate over their faces and upper bodies, all dozen of them. The intensity of the light slowly got brighter and it was radiating from no direct or detectable source. I could see they were huge. Their upper torso was strong, with huge shoulders and a thick, strong neck like football linebackers. As the light became bright and details clearer, fear and shock zapped through me.

"I said, 'You have scales!' Their faces looked like a cross between a lizard and a snake -- nothing at all like the little grey guys. Their eyes were small like ours, only diamond-shaped, and the pupils were a red color. Their heads were in normal proportion with their bodies, but bigger than ours. The skull looked like their brains stuck out over their foreheads, covered by skin. This feature was slightly different among all dozen of them.

"I said in a scared whimper, 'You promised to wave.' And each and every one of them slowly lifted their arms and waved in front of their faces. Their hands were huge with thick, club-like fingers, too thick to work fine instruments. But you have to keep in mind that their technology is thought-activated.

"I stood there and stared at them for a while in silence, absorbing this spectacular sight. Their message kept running through my mind. I was sure that my country has been involved with aliens. Most Americans believe there's been a cover-up. But what really got to me was the message about the poor condition of our planet! Then I felt the acceleration pull and blacked out.

"I understood better their nature and agenda. They are neither benevolent nor evil. The have been among us in secret for thousands of years, maybe longer. But the length of time isn't as much the issue as whey they have been among us. I believe they have been farming us for raw materials.

'We humans have been a self-perpetuating crop, a crop that doesn't need much tending and continues to reproduce, at least up to now and all the Earth problems. Thank goodness they don't kill us; they just use us. This system has worked well for the aliens for a long time. But now there's a problem and their investment is in trouble. They have spent a lot of time, travel and effort to farm us. But we are on an almost irreversible path of self-destruction. Nuclear and biological weapons and their waste have polluted the air, land and water. Forests, jungles and trees are being cut down or are dying. Now there are breakdowns in the food chain and the rest of the food chain is contaminated. Overpopulation, disease and viruses beyond our grasp, with new and more complicated illnesses cropping up every day. These are just a few of the problems we humans have rated.

"Most of us are blind or numb to this reality because we can still go to the grocer and buy food. We can go to work and back and not see this death and dying. All seems almost normal. But if we environmentally destroy ourselves, the aliens still have an excellent insurance policy. They've been collecting seeds from plants, animals and humans. Through semen and ova extraction, the aliens can start us, or other Earth life, all over again, here or somewhere else."


Echoing the Jim Sparks experience, the major concern expressed by abductee Anna Hayes in Voyagers, the Sleepy Abductees was competition and conflict among non-human intelligence's over Earth life and their employment of the same sophisticated technologies to manipulate, deceive and inspire.

"Just as the original creators of the human prototype desired to see the fulfillment of our species as guardians of the Earth, there also exist forces of great power that do not wish this plan to succeed. If humans are able to fulfill their evolutionary blueprint, the Earth and many other reality fields will no longer be free for exploitation."

Hayes stressed that if humans had truth about their extraterrestrial genetic connection and understood how many outsiders have taken advantage of human ignorance and used sophisticated technologies to manipulate and deceive for their gain, the human family could change and evolve in strength, not weakness.

In conversation, she told me: "Both negative and positive agendas are producing hybrids and androids, and both sides are emphasizing the need to save the Earth's environment for their various vested interests. Guardian aliens are promoting healing the planet, but the negative groups are also trying to 'help the planet' by offering new technologies so they can have a clean place to take over. I understand the negative ones have had time agreements with the US Government about introducing their species to humans.

"Lately, I think the negative ones have told the government they will introduce themselves to the public if the government does not. So, the government is supposedly setting the stage to introduce the negative ones, and the negative aliens are planning to help the government 'clear its reputation' by staging false events with holographic inserts. Human minds won't be able to tell what's real and what's not."

Whatever we ultimately learn about the truth in these highly strange cases in which dire warning are given to humans about the Earth's future, the face is that by the fall of 1997, Jim Sparks was still pretty much in the same place he had been after the carnival park meeting. He had no specific instructions about how to carry out his "mission" to save the environment and to move the US Government towards amnesty for all military and intelligence people who had signed oaths of secrecy about UFO-related matters.

However, Sparks had a nighttime visitation by one of the little grey "drones." He said he woke up and was conscious of "the little guy" standing at the foot of his bed. Then he got a clear mental picture of Rome burning and then a rainforest burning, along with the strong telepathic communication, "You must put out the fire!"

Jim is confused about the association between Rome burning and the rainforest destruction, but says he wants to do something to save the trees:

"Linda, I need to get better known in order to have influence. I want to get to a situation where I can speak publicly so I can talk about the rainforest problems and other issues facing the Earth's environment."

But meanwhile, Jim, every second of every day, the forests are on fire.

"Thats right."'

So what is being accomplished? Have you contacted groups that are already trying to save the rainforests and joined up with them:

"No. I have always cared about what happens to the Earth, but I've never got myself involved with any groups. This is something new to me. What am I going to say? I'm being advised by ETs?"

What details did the reptoids give about air and water damage?

"They didn't give me exact details. They told me that we've got problems with the air and water and food chain. I was told (in March 1995) that we've got about a decade to turn this thing around. Not that the world will end. But there will be problems in reversing all the damage. And the reptoids said someone in political power already has this knowledge and technology and (they) are hoarding it for security and defense reasons. And probably for greed, too.

"Those Black Budget Boys aren't coming forth with the truth because their asses are on the line. They've got all the secret organizations out there who have taken advantage of this knowledge while everything else goes to hell. That's why the amnesty thing makes sense. Then the BBB guys can tell the truth finally about alien contact, getting alien technology, making money from it, and even maiming and killing people to protect that secret. With amnesty, they can come forward with the truth and won't be prosecuted.


Terra Galactica

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the way we live

Could you imagine





“Glory to God in the highest, and on Earth peace, good will toward men.”

This Christmas, Give Peace

I Decree



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